Follow Every Move of Your Leads with Website Tracking

Engage them with content that matches their interests

Website tracking | Follow your leads closely

Give your sales team all the lead insights they need

Track all your leads

Track the web activities of your leads

Track your leads to find what they are doing on your website – the pages they are viewing, the CTAs they are clicking, and more.

Website tracking - On page time

Know how long are they on a page

Find out how effective your content is by tracking the time spent on each page. If they bounce off in 1 second, make the content easy to consume.

Website tracking - Find which offers are exciting

Find the offers they find most exciting

Find the content your leads find most valuable by tracking the CTA buttons they are clicking, and the content they are downloading from your website.

Lead source report

Define and track custom web-events

You can define, map and track custom web activities like the videos they are viewing on the website, the buttons they are clicking and more.

Lead source report

Find the sources they are coming from

Where are the leads coming from to your website? Are they coming from Facebook, Twitter, Google search, referral sites, or elsewhere – you’ll know it all.

Effective pages

Find the most effective web pages

Find the web pages, landing pages and forms that get you the best conversion rates. Get detailed reports on the leads generated by each page.

Key web activities

Find sources for key web activities

In addition to the initial sources of the leads, you can also find out the sources of key activities. Ex: if a lead is generated from a Facebook ad, but completes a purchase from a Google Adwords campaign, you can track this.


Automate responses to key web activities

If a lead does an important activity on the website, you can send automated, relevant responses to them to engage them till sales team reaches out to them. Ex: If a lead views the pricing for a particular product, you can send them current offers running on that product.

Trigger emails on web visits

Send an apt response whenever your leads take an important action on the website. For instance, when a lead views your blog, you can send them more engaging content around the same topic.

Website tracking - Web activity autoresponders
Website tracking | Sales notifications

Automate sales notifications

Automate notifications to your sales reps whenever a relevant activity occurs, like pricing page view. You can automatically change lead stages as well.

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