(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)
© 2025 LeadSquared
Manage admissions at multiple locations easily. Get complete visibility into student journey and coaching center operations.
Centralize student admissions and communications. Operate multiple coaching centers at different locations efficiently.
Direct contact with students and tight central control over the information being shared helps prevent information dilution.
Centralized data capture ensures that no data is missed. Centers can also upload data directly to LeadSquared.
Send content relevant to students based on their courses, on the channels of their choice with centralized campaigns.
Map end-to-end student journeys – inquiry, applications, counseling, enrollment, and beyond, across your centers.
Reduce drop-offs + increase student retention and progression rates with exceptional student experience at every step.
Get detailed level-wise insights into the performance of each center, counselor, source, course and more.
Centralized data capture makes sure no data is missed during capture or exchange. Centers can also upload data directly to LeadSquared.
Capture student data from all your channels – digital, social, education marketplaces, and more. The leads are simultaneously distributed to different centers. Conversely, centers can upload data easily in a standardized excel format, ensuring no delay in data sharing with the headquarters.
To share standardized information with all the students across different centers, you can maintain a central information repository. This repository would house all the different communication campaigns and knowledge resources that can be accessed by different centers to share with their students.
Manage all your student data centrally with varied access available to the different centers the students are enrolled at. This ensures that the headquarters have complete visibility into the data, activities, and progress of all the students, while the center has access to the data of their own students.
Send content relevant to students based on the courses they are enrolled in, on the channels of their choice.
Track every single activity and interaction that a student has with you or with the center. Phone calls, email/text interactions, or communication through any other channel – everything is recorded so that you always know the status of the lead, as well as the progress of the enrolled students.
Segment your current and prospective students based on various factors – courses they have applied for, their scores, demographics, location, grades, and more. Use this information to always maintain relevant messaging across all communication channels.
Automate student communication on every channel, based on their courses of interest, stage in the application cycle, and anything else important to you. For instance, once a mock test is booked, initiate campaigns informing students about the details of the exam, preparation tips and more.
Ensure low drop-off rates, improved student retention and high progression rates with exceptional experience every step of the way
Increase student retention and progression rates by identifying and acting upon cross-sell opportunities. For example, a student with a lower than average score in verbal communications would appreciate an add-on Verbal Comm Workshop. So, you can identify these signals and generate relevant offers automatically.
Get detailed level-wise insights into the performance of each center, counselor, source, course and more
Get complete visibility into your centers and student journey
Which is the best CRM for training institutes?
LeadSquared is the best CRM for training institutes because it is affordable, and allows coaching institutions to manage admissions at multiple locations easily.
How do you promote a coaching center?
You can promote a coaching center by:
And if you would like to capture these various inquiries and track their progress centrally, implement a coaching center CRM like LeadSquared to manage admissions effortlessly.
Which is the best CRM for coaching centers?
The best CRM for coaching centers is LeadSquared because of its ability to:
(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)