
Google’s much anticipated Drive finally hit the market in 2012. With remarkable search abilities and great incorporation capabilities, Drive includes Google Docs, Spreadsheets and Google+ services. But, here’s the catch. Drive is definitely the ideal option if you are looking to get your work done using a steadfast file storage service, but to save your leads and nurture them, Drive might not be very helpful.

In continuation of our previous article, here we will discuss how the Leadsquared’s simple lead management system stands out when compared to Google Forms. We will be discussing the free trial here.

LeadSquared free lead management system v/s Google Drive


When a prospective customer fills in a form, you sure want to get in touch with them with a quick auto generated mail or send them a complimentary e-book, don’t you? Well, sorry to break it to you, Google Forms does not facilitate this.

Solution: With LeadSquared’s free trial, you can create landing pages with various post submission options – you can even send customized auto responses. The simple lead management system does it all! Leads are tracked automatically, the content which engages the leads are pursued and auto generated mails are sent to whoever fills the form.

No notification email:

When a form is filled, you might be able to gauge updates using Google spreadsheets real time, but each time you get a lead, you will not be notified via e-mail. Sure is a drawback right?

Solution: However, when you use the LeadSquared marketing software’s free trial, alerts are created for your sales and marketing team each time a lead is generated.

Source of the lead:

The source from where the lead generates is an important aspect. It helps the marketer identify where the leads are coming from. Google Forms does not allow you to track the source of the lead, i.e. is the lead coming from outbound call, email marketing, PPC ads, organic searches, referrals etc.

Solution: Using LeadSquared Analytics, you can not only measure and improve your marketing front; the marketing software free trial also includes locating top sources of leads. It also helps you analyze your site traffic for better keywords.

Duplicate entries: 

To keep track of people who have filled in forms multiple times using Google forms or spreadsheets; you would need to filter out the duplicates, like in Excel. But, let’s warn you! This can be a long and unwanted process.

Solution: LeadSquared’s simple lead management system lets you keep track of duplicate entries and tells you the number of unique visitors. It will also associate the first ever entry made with the duplicate one. For example, if 100 people have filled in the forms, out of which 40 are duplicates, this marketing software will show you the 60 unique leads only and also associate the 40 duplicate entries made with the original entries. 

Conversion Statistics:

When using Google forms, you cannot gauge the conversion rate. You cannot differentiate between the number of people who have seen the forms and how many have actually filled them. For example, 10 people might have viewed the forms, but only 5 may have filled it.

Solution: LeadSquared’s simple lead management system will help you analyse your conversion rates.  This feature will help you make changes in your marketing strategy with the help of the landing pages’ performance. 


Google Forms provides a memory of only 5 GB and you have to shell out money for an up gradation if you want more storage space.

Solution: Using the free trial of the LeadSquared marketing software, a business can have as many leads as they can, but interact with only 100 active leads.

Multiple users friendly: 

Documents can be shared, opened and edited by multiple users using both Google Forms and the LeadSquared software.

Here is a table to summarize things for you:

Simple Lead Management Systems – Google Forms v/s LeadSquared Free Trial


Google Forms


Landing Pages

Ability to design pages & find out conversion stats

Lead Scoring

Lead Tracking


Email Campaigns

Create forms to Capture Leads


Store Leads




Notification Emails


Lead Source Tracking


Manage Duplicate Entries


Storage Space Limitation


Opening & editing documents by multiple users


Why don’t you check it out yourself. Let us know if it works for you. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Free Lead Management System - LeadSquared

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