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Insurance is one of the most competitive industries, and finding quality leads is the lifeblood of an insurance agent’s career. On the surface, it’s easy to think that insurance basically sells itself since specific types of insurance are required by law. If you own a home, your mortgage lender may require you to maintain insurance until you pay it off. If you drive a car, you better have auto insurance to avoid a fine if you’re caught without it.

In truth, insurance has become something of a commodity, which makes it harder for agents to differentiate themselves in their local markets. Consumers already know what insurance, how it works, and why they need it, and many buying decisions come down to price.

6 Simple Insurance Lead Generation Hacks

Though it’s not easy to stand out in the insurance industry, it’s also not impossible. Consider the following six insurance lead generation techniques you can start using today to grow your revenue:

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1. Publish on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the best social network for businesses to find insurance leads, but it takes some work to use it to its potential. Insurance agents can post thought leadership pieces and helpful blog posts on the platform for free. Then, when you connect with potential leads, they’ll see the content you’ve created and recognize you as an authority in your industry.

2. Create Unique Content

Blog posts, infographics, webinars, ebooks, white papers, and guides can help you build a powerful content strategy to reach new audiences and cater to your existing clients.

The best content solves a problem or answers a question. When it comes to insurance, there’s plenty of both to go around. Your audience will have questions about insurance and may be facing problems with their current provider, and you may be able to help guide them toward a better solution.

3. Shift to Video Marketing

Video is the future of content marketing and the internet experience at large. More than half of all marketing professionals tout video as having the highest ROI of any type of content. More than a third of all internet activity is spent watching videos, a figure that has been steadily increasing. People want to watch videos and tend to remember more information in video form rather than ads.

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As you’re developing a content strategy, consider turning your helpful blog posts and guides into short, easy to digest videos. The videos don’t have to replace your other content but can supplement them to help you connect with a broader audience.

If you’re not skilled with a camera or editing software, consider using Facebook Live to share announcements, tips, or insights with your audience without overcomplicating the process.

4. Grow Your Organic Online Presence

When most people are shopping for insurance, they use search engines to find out more information before reaching out to an agent. To give yourself the best chance of being part of their search results, you should focus on growing your organic online presence.

In this sense, organic means “natural.” Rather than paying for ads, users find you through search results pages. Optimizing your website for search engines and creating unique content can help you rank higher in search results. This gives you the best chance of being in the right place when people in your area are searching online for insurance policies or answers to their insurance questions.

[Also read: 25 best ways to generate auto insurance leads]

5. Respond to Questions on Quora

Quora is an online user-driven platform where people can ask and respond to questions. If you want to build your professional image, drive website traffic, and share your unique content without coming across as salesy, answering questions on Quora checks all the boxes.

When you respond to users’ questions, you step out of the role as the salesperson and into the role of an expert. This is your chance to flex your knowledge muscle and prove you’re a valuable resource in your industry who has the resources and mastery to help others. It’s an easy, straightforward way to build trust with your audience, and all it costs you is time.

6. Host a Local Seminar

An effective way to present yourself as a local authority on insurance is to host an educational workshop or seminar. Many agents will provide the workshop for free and offer valuable information that will benefit attendees, regardless of whether they purchase insurance from you.

The goal here isn’t to get one-off policies, but rather build deeper value and connections with your local market. Sales become a natural byproduct when you first focus on the quality and integrity of the relationship.

Digital Insurance

Improve Your Insurance Lead Generation Techniques with LeadSquared!

Insurance lead generation can be a complex process filled with small details and moving parts. To better manage and track your leads and seize your best opportunities, many insurance agents are finding success with LeadSquared.

LeadSquared provides an all-in-one solution to lead management, helping you collect and track leads from all your online and offline sources. With tools like lead scoring, lead qualification, and lead distribution, you always know who your hottest leads are and where they are in your sales funnel. You can also automate tasks like follow up and scheduling to continue growing the relationship at scale.

Try LeadSquared with a free 15-day trial and discover how you can find a better path to insurance lead generation!

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