HEalth and wellness 2

“So what is wrong with you today? You took 2 mins longer to finish your morning run? Or did you eat too much carbs for lunch? Wait, you have still not lost that 3 kgs?! You should get yourself checked”… and the eternal hunt for the perfect body in the pink of health continues.

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you the new age healthism. A growing trend that has projected the importance of health and wellness to society and made them individually aware of their responsibility to themselves. It has single handedly turned the tide in making people more health conscious – right from the “Angelina Jolie syndrome” to wearable wellness monitoring devices. Oh, that does not mean they eat less. Yes, even with the storm of diet fads that are raging around, the today’s consumer, according to this Creativepool study is more focused on eating what he likes and then burning it out later.

Lead generation in health and wellness

How is it relevant to you, in the Health and wellness business exactly?

It means, that the average consumer is remarkably well inclined to try out the services you offer – so lead generation in health and wellness should be a breeze, right?Well, don’t rejoice just yet, for you might be facing quite a few challenges.

Information Overload

You see, thanks to this healthisim, the average consumer is also much more informed and health-aware. As the British Medical Bulletin recounts, even back in 2004, health professionals found it quite stressful to handle the information-rich and health-aware middle class.

They are harder to convince and need a tremendous amount of information and encouragement before deigning to purchase from you. With this new breed of consumers, information is the bait. The more you offer and, clear their doubts, the more likely they are to convert. Be prepared with in-depth analysis and well researched case-studies. For when it comes to the data, they can beat you hands down.

Falling Fidelity – Brand Loyalty, Come Again?!

Another problem you will eventually encounter is customer retention. With the amount of competition out there, your customer would definitely want to play the field till he is satisfied that he has the best option under his belt. The best way to go about it is giving them a great customer experience and deliver results – repeatedly! Of course, great pricing and festival offers or discounts can also do the trick.

Going Viral – The Wrong Way

Worse, with social media in the picture, one mis step from your end and the whole world would know (perhaps a biased version – that is going to do you no good), how exactly you dropped the ball.

All in all, it is a very challenging time to be in the health and wellness sector. But hey, don’t despair for some things are looking up.

The Silver Lining

You see, the market is opening up tremendously. Today, you will have much better luck selling your laser hair therapy or your cosmetic surgery than ever before. A spa-cation or a spa party are a lot more prevalent now than ever. People take their health seriously and are willing to spend big bucks for it.

The Fix

To make sure that they are spending the big bucks with you, nurture them with a steady stream of relevant information and deliver results. A satisfied customer is worth more than a dozen leads (think of the word of mouth referrals and glowing reviews he would provide!).

Content marketing is your best friend. Refer to this post on Easy Health Blog Ideas to get you started with some basic shareable content. And when your leads pour in, send me a gift card.


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