Most admissions representatives have been given a Zoom Meeting Room and a headset and told to enroll lots of students virtually with video; however, most admissions representatives haven’t been given any actual training on how to be highly effective while utilizing virtual video tours and presentations.
The Art of Admissions was the first admissions training company in the world to give training to admissions representatives on how to give highly effective virtual video information sessions and tours and have been training admissions representatives on virtual presentations for over 13 years.
There are very specific skillsets admissions representatives need to learn and practice to become a charismatic and highly effective video presenter which in many instances include different skills than those used to be a highly effective in-person presenter.
In this highly informative and inspirational webinar, you’ll learn the 7.5 Secrets that admissions representatives need skill development in now so they can become even more effective with inspiring more people to enroll at your school virtually.
Among the 7.5 secret you’ll learn are:
- How to develop more powerful connections and charisma with your prospective students.
- How do you speak in a way that deeply inspires people to action and not just think about it?
- How to give virtual presentations that will captivate your prospective students and leave them hanging on your every word.