Connect with their
college dreams. Fast.

The future of high-response technology.


Connect first.

Connect best.

One second after clicking SUBMIT he’s meeting his advisor on his personalized Welcome Microsite.
Seeing real scholarship options, courses, campus activities.
All customized to his college dreams.

Her campus tour.
In her hand.

Instantly, she’s in charge of her tour experience: looking at the campus maps, walking to courses, meeting friends, playing sports, graduating, and getting her dream job.

It’s a tour date she’s very likely to keep.


Get to the best. Fast.

Goodbye overwhelm.
Focus your time on your best prospects.
Meet them on campus.
Enroll them.

Goodbye overwhelm.

There’s so much more.

Enjoy the 45-minute FloStack tour and discover the fast, frictionless journey from “What’s your name?” to “Congratulations!”