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Remember how we wrote letters to each other once upon a time? I remember back in boarding school, how I would always make a note of my friends’ home addresses so I could write to them in the summer holidays. And it always felt great to get one back. That made me smile all day.
But what was the point of writing those letters? To stay connected!
Sadly, hardly any of us write handwritten letters anymore. In this day and age, most of us stay connected using emails, social networks (Facebook, Instagram), messaging apps (WhatsApp, Viber, Snapchat, etc) and other online channels.
The same goes for businesses. Most businesses, particularly online business, moved away from direct mailing and adapting online methods like emails, social media marketing and messaging apps to stay connected with their propects and customers.
And yes, even in this day and age (with Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat and the likes), email marketing is still relevant for all businesses. Whether you want to generate leads for your business, nurture and engage with prospects who are interested in your business or convert readers into buyers, email marketing is the way to go.
I have sent over 2 million emails in the last three years. Surely I would have learnt a thing or two. Actually, a couple more. And by doing so, I have found it to be one of the most reliable lead nurturing methods out there.
In this email marketing guide, I’ll be sharing ways in which you can nurture your leads and best practices of doing so. Whether you are new to email marketing, an intermediate or a pro, this guide has something for everyone.
When I started email marketing for LeadSquared about four years ago, I struggled quite a bit. (I used to and still send out email invites for the LeadSquared webinars). The email open and click rates for my emails were pretty low. So I tried different things, tested variations, modified the language and sure enough, some things clicked. And I know that because our webinar registrations gradually went up. So clearly, I did something right. Here’s my attempt at simplifying email marketing for you as well.
(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)