(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)
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Streamline on-field activities and get a comprehensive view of your campaigns from inception to execution and analysis.
No more fragmented efforts – plan, execute, monitor, and analyze your
campaigns on one platform.
Digitize your entire workflow to unlock a smoother process. Effortlessly identify and update details of the physical location online.
Capture leads on the spot and maximize campaign success with mobile app. Optimize ROI through streamlined lead management.
Stay in control of event operations and get updates anytime, anywhere.
Gain in-depth insights into campaign effectiveness. Analyze campaign success and make data driven decisions.
What is BTL marketing?
BTL (Below-the-Line) marketing refers to direct, targeted promotional activities that engage specific audiences through methods such as events, webinars/seminars, trade shows, etc.
What is a BTL marketing solution?
A BTL marketing software or solution is a digital platform designed to streamline and enhance below-the-line marketing activities. It helps streamline all the activities from planning to execution.
What are the benefits of using a BTL marketing solution?
The benefits of a BTL marketing solution include measurable results, improved campaign management, streamlined event promotions, direct mail automation, and the ability to track and analyze the effectiveness of campaigns, leading to effective event engagement and higher ROIs.
What is the full form of BTL in marketing?
Below-the-Line Marketing.
(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)